Sunday, 26 August 2012

Assignment 2 - Ipad Video Analysis Apps......

Assignment 2

So, I have spent some time today playing with the various video analysis apps that are available for the ipad using video footage that I took in one of Saturday’s training sessions.

The three that I am thinking of reviewing for assignment two are ;

  •    Coach’s Eye
  •    coachmyvideo and
  •   iCoachView. 
 I have used the Coach’s Eye App before and have found this useful on the iphone, however often that athlete’s found  it difficult to see on when on the horse. The  ipad screen is so much larger and therefore better instant feedback is provided.

In yesterday’s training session I used video footage to coach one of my athlete’s. Footage was taken of an exercise. The rider was shown the footage and came up with a solution. Before and after pictures can seen above (I emailed a copy of this to the athlete) and illustrate just how powerful visual feedback can be. As my athetle said, "you could have told me that one thousand times and I still would not have realized how crooked I was".  It just so rapidly matches up the feeling with a visual image and the athlete is then able to correct the problem. 

The photo on the right was the rider’s first attempt and clearly demonstrates how the rider collapses her right side, which in turn places the horse out of balance. The attempt after she had viewed the footage is a vast improvement, clearly showing a more balanced rider.

Some notes I have made on each app so far include:
  • The Coach’s Eye does not allow the comparison footage that coachmyvideo and iCoachView both contain.

  • Coachmyvideo does have the added bonus that you are able to zoom in on footage.

  • CoachMyVideo does allow footage to be emailed and saved, however only allows drawing tools, not voice over to be added.

  • iCoachView does have a microphone function allowing voice over, however I have yet to work out if you can do this on still footage or if one video has to be running.
I would like to review all three as I think it would be beneficial for coaches to select the one that is most suitable for their form of feedback. For me, at this stage, the apps I would use in the field would vary depending on what I was trying to achieve, as would the one I would use in video analysis after the training session.

My investigations will continue……….

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